Apache HTTP Server 2.2.20 x86 and x64 Windows Installers

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Here are the 32 bit and 64 bit binaries of Apache HTTP Server 2.2.20 which was released recently (30 August, 2011). This release includes an important security fix. The details about the security issue can be found here. The complete changelog for this release can be found here.

The following binaries were compiled with Visual C++ 2008 (VC9) and mod_ssl and mod_deflate were compiled against the latest versions of OpenSSL (1.0.0d) and Zlib (1.2.5) respectively. The installers are digitally signed. Please ensure that the digital signatures are valid before installing.






If you have trouble downloading any of the files from mediafire, you should try again in a few minutes. Issues with mediafire are usually temporary. I will however add some mirrors soon.

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